
WCCF Volunteer Banner

"One of the Greatest Gifts you can give is your time." 

Do you feel passionate about education? Are you intrigued with social and learning issues? Do you like belonging to a diverse community of like-minded individuals? Are you looking to grow your network and meet other professionals in Whatcom County? 

Whether you are a past graduate, a new student, a faculty member, or a member of the community at large, there are many ways to get involved with Whatcom Community College Foundation. 

One of them is Becoming a Volunteer

Here are some ways you can help!

Scholarship Reviewer (5-10 hours per year)

The purpose of the WCC Foundation scholarship program is to support student enrollment and retention, especially as it relates to closing equity gaps. Community members can volunteer their time to join the anonymous scholarship review cycle which takes place two times per year. A diverse reviewer pool allows for an essential range of perspectives when scoring scholarship applications and provides volunteers the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of WCC students in our community. This opportunity is key to our equity and inclusion goals.

Foundation Board Member (24 hours per year)

The Foundation Board of Directors are dedicated to increasing private support for Whatcom Community College. They are local people involved in the community, donating their professional expertise and time to make higher education more accessible for WCC students. Board Directors serve on at least one committee.

Foundation Committee Member (24 hours per year)

Foundation board members serve on official and ad-Hoc committees  with specific deliverables and community member participation is eligible if appointed by Foundation Board or Committee chair.

Foundation Award Presenter (3 hours per year)

A representative of the Foundation works with local high schools to celebrate young scholars during spring quarter.


  • "When I first began volunteering for the Whatcom Community College Foundation, I was new to Whatcom County. This effort provided me an opportunity to learn about our community and I quickly connected with new people who are also motivated to work for change. Helping with community outreach and raising funds for scholarships has a direct impact on the lives of WCC students. In the current economic environment, our students are facing increasing financial pressures and often work full-time while juggling coursework and family commitments. If we can help alleviate their struggles by providing financial assistance, we not only transform their lives but build a community which is more tolerant and understanding of individual differences. It is exciting to watch the growth of our students and I am proud that my volunteer efforts help them achieve their goals. I appreciate all our current volunteers and welcome anyone new who also has a desire to improve the path to education for WCC students."
    Dr. Carolyn Simpson Scott, MD, Board Member, 08/18/2022