Foundation Staff

Our professional staff works in partnership with the Foundation Board of Directors to manage and implement the day-to-day work of the WCC Foundation. The foundation staff is comprised of professionals in the fields of philanthropy, event management, financial expertise, and student scholarship administration.

Meet the collaborative team leading the foundation.

Deb headshot

Deborah DeWees
Interim Executive Director

Altynay Bekbossyn

Altynay Bekbossyn
Program Coordinator
About Altynay

A headshot of Foundation staff member Laurel Messenger

Laurel Messenger
Scholarships Program Specialist


Melissa Sorinsin

 Operations Manager

About Us

Deborah DeWees
Altynay Bekbossyn
Laurel Messenger
Melissa Sorinsin

Are you a motivated individual? Would you like to be part of a team that helps students succeed?
WCC Foundation might be a good fit for you!

Be a Part of the Team