
The WCC Foundation Scholarship Program works to close equity gaps and keep students enrolled so they can reach their academic goals. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers, we awarded over $350,000 to 252 committed WCC scholars for the 2021-22 academic year.

Our recipients self-identify as:  

  • 57% first generation college students  
  • 38% students of color  
  • 52% returning adult students

Fast Facts

Since 2017, WCC Foundation has funded 1,663 students and deployed over $1.6 million in student support. Your donations have made the WCC Foundation Scholarship program possible!

  • “I never thought college was a possibility. Without this scholarship, I would have had to put life on hold, and go into debt; I wouldn’t have been able to focus on my studies. Instead, I get to be involved on campus, do things that make me happy without worrying about money.”
    Noah, 2022-23 WCC Foundation Scholarship Recipient, 02/07/2023


Featured Endowed Scholarship Recipients

Edna Abigail Ouwuoth

Edna Abigail Owuoth

Simpson-Scott Family Nursing Scholarship

“There is so much to learn in nursing, both in reading material and practical skills. After my studies at Whatcom, I plan on transitioning to a R.N. position where I currently work as a nurse assistant. I anticipate this transition to be relatively seamless. I have a good team at my workplace and 4 years’ experience at my current position. I chose WCC because of its proximity to my residence, and through word of mouth from fellow students.”

Carrie Templin Endowed Scholarship Fund Recipient

Carrie Templin

Pratt Karasik Scholarship

“I am currently in the nursing program, studying to get my RN, and have just completed my first year. The nursing faculty are knowledgeable, supportive, and kind, and when I have questions or concerns, I feel both seen and heard. I truly feel that they want me to succeed as both a student and a nurse. After I graduate, I hope to go on to work as an RN with either geriatric clients, eating disorder clients, or in an outpatient setting.”

Megan Jones Endowed Scholarship Recipient

Megan Jones

Business Accounting
Heiner Family Scholarship

“I’m currently dual majoring in Business and Accounting. I hope to graduate from Whatcom and then enter a career that involves a mix of both accounting and business. Eventually, I would love to gain the freedom of becoming my own boss. Running a B&B or cabin rentals on the lake would be ideal.”

Featured Annual Named Scholarship Recipients

Andrew Manrique Named Scholarship Recipient

Andrew Manrique

Business Administration
Metcalf Hodges Scholarship

“I will be starting the Business BAS program this fall (2022), and will be completing my Accounting Certificate as well, in addition to the Business DTA I will be receiving this Spring (2022). Post-graduation, I plan to continue working for my current employer [Honda] to continue receiving the amazing experience I am getting within executive management, given there is more opportunity with them I will stay for as long as possible, but I will always chase opportunity.”

Angelica Moreno Named Scholarship Recipient

Angelica Maria Navarro Moreno

U.S. Bank Scholarship

“I am studying cybersecurity, will graduate from my associates transfer in winter, and plan to continue pursuing my bachelor's degree. I have found amazing people at Whatcom and experiences that could have missed if I wasn't able to continue studying. I am proud of my institution and will continue doing my best to be a great representative of it. I have faced health issues along the way, I faced discrimination from outsiders by been a woman in the field, sometimes just for been Afro-Latina. But at Whatcom I feel safe and cared for, that is why I want to bring new generations.”

Jeff Berkey Named Scholarship Recipient

Jeff Berkey

Linda Langey Memorial Scholarship

“I am currently halfway through my associates in Nursing at WCC. I took all of my prerequisite courses at WCC as well. WCC has been nothing short of incredible with regard to faculty, student support and student resources. Upon graduation I would like to work in a critical care environment like the emergency department or intensive care unit. After gaining a couple years of critical care experience I would like to be a travel nurse, a flight nurse (on a helicopter) and work with humanitarian aid organizations around the world.”

Featured General Scholarship Fund Recipients

Roza Wariyo General Scholarship Recipient

Roza Wariyo

WCC Foundation Scholarship

“I am from Ethiopia. I have a big family and I moved to the United States five years ago…I also want to inspire other people who have English as a second language that they too can succeed and not be stopped by their language skills. I want to go to Whatcom to be able to continue my education locally, near where my family is.”

Dakshayini Kasinathan General Scholarship Recipient

Dakshayini Kasinathan

Communications and Business
WCC Foundation Scholarship (GSF)

“My name is Dakshayini Kasinathan, I am an international student from Malaysia. I have been attending Whatcom Community College since 2020 and have only recently been able to come to campus 2 quarters back. I have always been very interested with the culture of education here in the United States, as it is very different from the teaching culture back in my home. I wanted to be able to experience a classroom where students have equal opinions as their professors and be able to ask questions without being told to just listen and follow what I was being taught.”

Kelly Willis General Scholarship Recipient

Kelly Willis

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)
WCC Foundation Scholarship (GSF)

“I am very excited to continue my journey of becoming a PTA so I can help those in need…. I live in Bellingham and work usually full time at the Restore but currently I am working part time to focus on my education. Once I complete the PTA program in 2023, I will apply for jobs in that field to contribute to my lovely community!”

Description of Scholarship Funds

Simpson-Scott Family Nursing Scholarship
Pratt Karasik Scholarship
Heiner Family Scholarship
Metcalf Hodges Scholarship
U.S. Bank Scholarship
Linda Langey Memorial Scholarship
Whatcom Community College General Scholarship Fund (GSF)