Start Online or in the U.S.

Begin your studies online in your home country or on-campus in the U.S.

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  • Important Dates

    Important Dates

    Admission deadlines, first day of classes, orientation and arrival.

  • Costs & Payments

    Costs & Payments

    An exceptional education, beautiful campus and facilities and excellent student support and resources at an affordable price.

  • Programs of Study

    Programs of Study

    Earn credits or a degree towards transferring to a four year university, complete your high school diploma or improve your English language skills.

  • University Transfer

    University Transfer

    Whatcom’s most popular program is the university transfer program. The Associate in Arts and Sciences degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university to complete their bachelor’s degree. Whatcom’s International Programs staff are experts in advising students on transfer to top universities throughout the U.S.

  • International High School Completion Program

    International High School Completion Program

    Earn a WA state high school diploma and an associate degree (university transfer) at the same time.

  • Housing Information

    Housing Information

    Students 17 years and older can live in on-campus housing in a state-of-the art residential facility. Students under 17 are required to live with local homestay families.



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