Culture & Society Area of Study

You value diversity, culture and human connection. You want to learn how people think, behave and interact as individuals and as members of different communities and society. Your studies in Culture & Society will help you develop critical thinking skills that will serve you well throughout your life and in any chosen career path.

Explore pathways in Culture & Society:

Degree & Certificate Definitions

  • Associate in Arts & Sciences (AAS/DTA) degree

    A two-year transfer degree with a wide variety of general education courses, plus introductory courses in your future major. It prepares you to transfer to a university as a junior. It is a good choice for a general associate's degree even if you are not sure you want to transfer.
  • Associate in Science-Transfer (AS-T) degree

    A degree that prepares you to transfer into a university science or engineering major as a junior. Getting ready for this kind of major takes two to three years.
  • What does DTA stand for?

    DTA refers to the "direct transfer agreement" among community colleges and universities in Washington state.  A DTA degree has the same kinds of general education courses as universities require their first- and second-year students to take.