Office of Community Standards

Mission Statement

The Office of Community Standards (OCS) upholds the WCC Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy in a fair and equitable manner. OCS fosters resilience and success by empowering students to cultivate an authentic sense of self and belonging within the Whatcom community through learned positive behaviors and choices.

Educational purpose

six pillars of resilience squareEnrollment at Whatcom Community College carries with it the obligation to be a responsible citizen of the college community and to treat others with respect and dignity. Each student is expected to abide by college policies and regulations along with local, state, and federal laws. The student conduct code and disciplinary procedures are implemented to support the college mission and to assist in the protection of the rights and freedoms of all members of the college community.

Learn more about our educational model

The Office of Community Standards provides the following services:
  • Develops and updates student code of conduct
  • Trains student conduct committee
  • Directs work of the Behavioral Intervention Team
  • Mediates conflicts
  • Handles alleged violations of student conduct code and other policies
  • Advocates for student rights and policies on campus
  • Provides training and educational opportunities to students, staff and faculty around interpersonal conflict, difficult situations, mediation, and legal compliance.


student resources

parent and community resources

faculty resources