Are you eligible? Find out today.

Eligibity Inquiry Form

About Worker Retraining

Worker Retraining can pay for tuition, books, and other items based on student eligibility and available funds. This training can range from several classes over 1 quarter to a full 1 or 2-year professional-technical degree. These funds do not have to be paid back. We'll walk you through each process:

  • Financial aid
  • Educational planning
  • Employment security compliance

We're here to help you make it happen

We know that retraining programs can be complicated. Whatcom Community College's Worker Retraining staff are here to help you understand when to do each step, what paperwork to file, and what's required to coordinate financial aid, degree progress, and unemployment benefits and requirements.

  • Whatcom Community College offers professional-technical training
  • The professional-technical training programs are developed with the involvement of local employers
  • Quality instruction and the use of technology in the classroom
  • Internship opportunities that can lead directly to employment
  • Job preparation, resume review, and job search assistance in the Career & Transfer Center

Qualifications for training through Worker Retraining

Eligibility involves a variety of factors, but you may qualify if your circumstances fit into one of these five categories:

1. Unemployment / Facing Layoff

  • Currently receiving unemployment benefits, OR
  • Have received unemployment benefits within the last 48 months, OR
  • Are facing a layoff
Unemployment Resources

2. Displaced Homemaker

  • Were dependent on the income of another but are no longer supported by that income

3. Self-Employed Facing Economic Downturn

  • Were operating your own business and are unemployed because of general economic conditions in your community

4. Veteran

  • Received an honorable discharge within the last 2 years
  • Active Duty with a separation notice

5. Vulnerable Worker

  • Have not reached the "Tipping Point" (45 college credits and a credential) and/or
  • Employed in a job that is "Not In Demand" and/or
  • Will lose your job without new training