"The magic of Whatcom is truly the people."

Instructors, alumni and President Kathi Hiyane-Brown talk about what makes Whatcom Community College such a magical place. 


"[Whatcom] has enabled me to think beyond my boundaries and to be able to really push myself in a safe environment."

Returning student Janet Ershig discusses the welcoming atmosphere of Whatcom Community College, especially for those transitioning back to school.



"We have relatively small classes and we also have a special relationship between instructors and students so that students feel that they belong here, and that they do matter."

Bob Winters, English professor and Art & Humanities Division Chair, explains why students feel they belong here at Whatcom.



"I enjoy working with all my students. I enjoy seeing them grasp difficult concepts... I like seeing my students succeed."

Computer Information Systems (CIS) instructor Travis McEwen talks about Whatcom's small class sizes, and why he likes seeing his students succeed.