Title IX & Online Learning

We know online environments have unique challenges around issues of harassment. Cyberbullying, cyberstalking, trolling, and hate speech are rampant on the internet, and it is important we don’t allow these bad habits to get root in our online classrooms.


As the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” There are some steps you can take to set up an equitable environment from the get go.

  1. Talk to your instructors and classmates about following netiquette. This is especially important in discussion heavy classes or group activities. Talk with your classmates about good conversation skills online. The Colorado State University has ten simple rules for netiquette to use as a starting place.
  2. Communicate with classmates through WCC resources, mostly Canvas and College email. Try to keep communication with classmates off of social media or private text messages. In cases where harassment occurs the more visible it is, the faster WCC can take action.
  3. Don't give out your personal information. Your classmates are rock-stars, but we always recommend caution when sharing personal information online. Don't give out your address, phone number, or personal email address.


One of the struggles in keeping our online spaces safe is knowing how to identify times when there might be incidents of harassment. We need your help in identifying and responding to online harassment.

  1. Trust your gut. When you log off a group meeting or see a discussion post that keeps coming to mind or disrupts your life or learning, that is a sign it may be misconduct. If you see a post or discussion that makes you feel uneasy, ask for a second opinion! Either by submitting an Incident Report or by reaching out to your instructor.
  2. Ask your classmates. If you see a post you fear may be targeting someone, ask them in a private email if they are okay. Let them set the terms, and it is possible something that felt off to you feels fine to them. Support each other and talk about it!
  3. Look to your syllabus. If you are having interactions with a classmate that does fit inside the expectations your instructor laid out, and they feel like they are targeting or troubling, talk to your instructor about it.


If something does happen, and you see a post or hear about an interaction that violates our policy, you will can take steps to address it. Here are some simple steps:

  1. Talk to your instructor. Make sure they know what has happened, and ask them to help address the issues.
  2. File and incident report. This can be done online. This lets the Title IX Coordinator know what has happened, and allows them to reach out to you, your instructor, and the person who may have had a negative impact in order to find the best resolution.
  3. Take care of yourself. Responding to incidents of potential harassment or discrimination can be really tough. Please remember WCC offers counseling services to students.