Things every Running Start student needs to know!

Running Start Eligibility

What are the admission requirements for Running Start?
Can students younger than junior status participate in Running Start?
Can homeschool students participate?
Can English Language Learners (ELL/ESL) Participate in Running Start?
Can accommodations be made for students with disabilities?

Considerations for Parents

How are parents or guardians involved?
Do Parents Have Access to Grades or attendance?
How is attendance reported?
Do students need permission from the high school to enroll in Running Start?
Do grades remain on high school and college transcripts indefinitely?
Is course content adapted for minors?

Classes, Credits and Registration

How Many College Credits Can I Earn as a Running Start Student?
What will my schedule look like as a Running Start student?
Which textbooks will I need for class?
Do I need to take the SAT, ACT, Both, Neither?
Which classes are open to Running Start students?
Will my credits earned through Running Start transfer to universities?
How do I know which classes and how many classes to take?
Do some of my high school classes count for college credit?
How many classes will I take at WCC?
Where do I access my online classes?
How do I find my schedule?

College Life

What campus resources can Running Start students utilize?
What is the 2024 Running Start Graduate Celebration?