Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy

As members of the Whatcom Community College community, students have an obligation to demonstrate academic and personal honesty and integrity. Students are expected to respect individual rights, recognize their impact on others, and take responsibility for their actions. Students may be subject to disciplinary action for any activity that unreasonably disrupts the operations of the college or infringes on the rights of another member of the college community. Students are prohibited from engaging in any unlawful conduct and may be subject to criminal or civil prosecution. The college may impose disciplinary sanctions against a student who commits, or aids, abets, incites, encourages, or assists another person to commit acts of misconduct, as defined by the Student Conduct Code. The purpose of the student code is to hold students accountable while upholding their rights and responsibilities. 

The Student Code shall apply to student conduct that occurs on college premises, to conduct that occurs at or in connection with college sponsored activities, or to off-campus conduct that in the judgement of the college adversely affects the college community or the pursuit of its objectives. The jurisdiction extends to such place and activities as:

  • College sponsored foreign or domestic travel
  • Activities funded by ASWCC
  • Athletic events
  • Training internships, practicums, and student employment
  • Cooperative and distance education
  • Online

Download Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy

Rights and Responsibilities
Statement of Student Rights
Student Responsibility for Guests
Academic Dishonesty
Other Dishonesty
Disruptive Behavior
Assault or Intimidation
Cyber Misconduct
Property Violation
Failure to Comply with Directive
Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Violations
Lewd Conduct
Discriminatory Conduct
Sexual Misconduct
Misuse of Electronic Resources
Unauthorized Access
Safety Violation
Violation of Other Laws and Policies
Ethical Violation