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Warren, Mark

Mark Warren
  • Departments:Community%20%26%20Continuing%20Education%20Instructor

Mark is the owner of Mark Warren Associates, a coaching and training  company. MWA offers a variety of career transition coaching, career and  life coaching, corporate training, business and organization consulting  services. Mark specializes in professional career transition coaching  and helping people discover and pursue their personal life callings.  Mark is known as “The Calling Coach,” and is absolutely passionate and  committed to helping others identify and fulfill their unique, personal  callings in life.

He is a specialist in personality styles and their applications in  personal, management and organizational settings.  He consults with  clients and companies regularly on such areas as: increased work  satisfaction; career transitions and finding a career that you will  love; effective team building and communication; maximizing work  strengths; and developing strength-based leadership and management  skills.

Mark is a certified trainer in the award winning training series:  Crucial Confrontations. He is also a certified trainer in the Emotional  Social Competency Inventory 360 (ESCI), a powerful assessment tool for  leaders to assess and maximize their leadership competencies.

EXPERIENCE Mark has coached and trained over  10,000 individual and corporate clients.  He is a widely sought after as  speaker and trainer.  He has given inspirational talks and training  sessions to a wide range of audiences, including: corporate executives;  government agencies; private corporations; numerous high schools and  colleges; professional agencies; and church organizations.

EDUCATION Mark has a M.Ed. in Adult Education  from Western Washington University with a specialization in Training and  Development, and Career Coaching.  He has a post graduate training in  Computer Technology and Education from Seattle Pacific University, and a  BA in Education from Western Washington University.

Mark has also been a high school principal, a career counselor and teacher, and a former high school teacher of the year.

Mark is known as one of the premier specialists in career and  workplace issues. As one of the top rated trainers in the Northwest over  the past 20 years, Mark has trained and coached local small business  owners as well as Fortune 500 companies.

PERSONAL Mark is a devoted husband and father.  He and his wife Christa have been married for nearly 30 years and have 3  wonderful children: Mark and Christa have recently welcomed their new  son-in-law into their family.

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