Sometimes young students want to start college classes early. While the College does not desire to replace or duplicate the functions of local public or private schools, students under 18 who are not eligible for Running Start may be considered for special admission, on an individual basis. Typically, these students have a special interest that is not offered at the K-12 school or they want to expedite their college process.

 Steps for students seeking special underage admission:

  1. Complete the WCC Application for Admission online. Apply as a general student, not a Running Start student.
  2. After receiving a student identification number from the college, set up your network account and ctcLink account (instructions will arrive in an email).
  3. Complete English placement through Informed Self Placement.
  4. Submit the Parent Permission form, signed by parent or guardian.
  5. Submit a Student Referral form with the school counselor or principal. For home-based instruction students, a Homeschool Student Referral form must be submitted instead, by the parent or guardian who can verify the student’s academic records.
  6. Obtain a copy of your most recent school transcript.(Home-schooled students should supply a list of the courses completed and grades earned.) Send to Karla Coglizer at, then ask to schedule an appointment to meet with Karla.
  7. Student and parent may be asked to schedule a meeting with the Vice President for Student Services.

The purpose of your meeting with an advisor/VP at the college is:

  • to assess the student’s ability to communicate independently on her or his own behalf with college staff
  • to determine if the prospective student is competent at an appropriate academic level and/or artistic or technical level to be successful
  • to determine if the prospective student is judged to have the ability and maturity to participate in an adult learning environment
  • to assess the student's interest and motivation in participating in college courses
  • to share potential challenges and opportunities of college life with the student

8. After enrolling, the student is responsible for payment of tuition/fees and acquiring any books or materials for the class.

9. Get a student ID card and attend New Student Orientation.

There may be restrictions or limits as part of the special admission.  During the first conditional quarter, the student must earn a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.  During all quarters, the student must meet the college’s academic standards set forth in the college catalog.  The student must adhere to the code of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities.

You will be assigned a special advisor until you are eligible for Running Start, or for regular admission to the College.  It is your responsibility to make an advising/registration appointment with your assigned advisor at least six weeks prior to the beginning of each quarter in which you plan to enroll as a specially admitted student.