English Composition & Literature

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English composition & literature at Whatcom

Here's what English classes do for you: 

Composition classes at WCC introduce you to "college writing" in all its richness and complexity. You become more aware of yourself as a student-writer and student-scholar. You use writing as a process of inquiry and communication, and learn about writing for an academic audience.

Creative writing classes encourage you to try out your imagination and talent in the craft of fiction and poetry writing.

Literature classes open windows into other lives and other times. Thinking and writing about those other experiences can leave you wiser and more compassionate. Literature gives you a chance to explore what it means to be human.

Classes with variable topics

Some English classes have different themes depending on the instructors. Click below to see what's happening in upcoming quarters.

ENGL 111 Intro to Literature
ENGL 124 Environmental Literature
ENGL 136 Science Fiction and Fantasy
ENGL 161 Intro to American Literature
ENGL 194 Latine Stories
ENGL 201 Advanced Composition
ENGL 286 Mythology

Earn a transfer degree and prepare for a university major in English.

Click here to see the quarter-by-quarter sequence of classes and other recommendations.