Massage Therapist

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Apply to Massage Therapist program

Massage therapy at Whatcom

Change your life today. Start your new career as a massage therapist. Enter into one of the largest growing industries with demand at a record all-time high. WCC graduates are highly sought after for employment and enjoy successful and meaningful careers. Learn in a supportive, caring, and professional environment.

Whatcom's massage program offers a certificate that can be completed in just one year.

Massage therapist, certificate (60 credits)

Click here to see the quarter-by-quarter sequence of classes.

Help others achieve their healthcare goals

Being a licensed massage therapist (LMT) offers you the opportunity to help others achieve their healthcare goals and re-establish the connection between mind and body. This is done through the application of therapeutic touch. Massage is a very personal, hands-on approach to healthcare, giving both the practitioner and the client the opportunity to connect at a deeper level.

Whatcom's massage therapist program is approved by the Washington State Massage Board, a subsidiary of the Washington State Department of Health.

Whatcom's massage therapist program offers flexibility

Hybrid courses

The massage program continues to offer enhancements in class scheduling and delivery format. Eight of the core massage program classes are delivered in a hybrid format. Hybrid courses have the lecture portion of class delivered online and the laboratory portion delivered face-to-face in our dedicated lab. Check with a program advisor for information on all courses offered throughout the year and to discuss the online learning experience.

Massage therapist students exceed state and national pass rates

In 2022, 100% of Whatcom's massage therapist graduates passed the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) on their first attempt, compared to 80.5% in the state and 71.0% nationally. Congratulations to our graduates and faculty! Passing the exam is essential for licensed practice of massage in the state of Washington.

Licensing in other states: the WCC massage program meets the educational requirements for licensure in all states except Nebraska, New York and Puerto Rico (which require a 1000-hour educational program). If your goal is to be a licensed massage therapist in Nebraska, New York or Puerto Rico, please check with the licensing agency there before you begin the program.


The costs average approximately $3,190 per quarter, including tuition, books, fees, and supplies for the core massage therapist courses, as well as for the general education courses.

Listed below are the approximate expenses for the massage program in addition to tuition and general college expenses.

Required items include:
 Massage therapist application fee  $25
 Washington State Patrol background check  $12
 Required textbooks (new)  $657
 Massage linens  $50
Optional items include:
 Hepatitis immunization (recommended)  $115
 Portable massage table  $250-$750
 Seated massage chair  $200-$500
 Liability insurance  (cost varies)
 Personal health insurance  (cost varies)

Link to Career Bridge for more details on the total cost of the certificate, including related instruction and electives.

As costs and information can and will change. Be sure to contact an advisor for the most current information for planning the funding of your education.

Would you like to support students enrolled in Whatcom's massage therapist program?

Whatcom’s massage therapist program offers students exciting and innovative learning opportunities such as a cadaver lab at Bastyr University and work-based learning experiences offering massages to participants in popular community events such as Ski-to-Sea and the Chuckanut 50k.

If you would like to support our students’ success in endeavors such as these, help the program maintain currency of lab equipment and technology, and/or support the program in other ways, please donate to the Whatcom Community College Foundation and select "Massage Program" in the Gift Designation menu.

Thank you for your generous support!

Donate here


  • What types/techniques of massage does the massage therapist program include?
  • Is it possible to work while enrolled in the massage therapist program?
  • How long does it take to complete the massage therapist program?
  • Is the massage therapist program accredited?
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