Operational costs of personnel and facilities of the neighborhood Preschool Labs are funded exclusively through preschool tuition and fundraising.

  • Parenting education – tuition is paid by parent/caregiver students (tuition waiver) to Whatcom Community College.
  • Preschool Education Lab-- tuition is paid by parent/caregiver students (tuition assistance available as needed).
  • On-going fundraising events organized by the preschools to support the preschools.

A Member Led Organization

  • Parent/caregiver students act as Assistant Teachers in the Co-op Preschool.
  • Each member holds a role that supports the smooth running of the Co-op Preschool.
  • Governing Site Co-op Boards are legal representatives supervising operations at each co-op Preschool.

Our WCC Cooperative Preschool and Parenting Education Program provides significant benefits to children, families, community and society as a whole.