Applied Business Management Employment Outlook

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Graduates of the BAS in applied business management program will be poised to help meet the workforce needs of the variety of small to medium-sized growing businesses that make up the majority of Whatcom county’s employers. It will also serve budding entrepreneurs who wish to stay and grow their businesses in Whatcom county. While not a guarantee, opportunities for advancement and higher wages generally increase with higher levels of education.

Occupation1, Average wage2

Social and community services manager, $32.57
Human resources manager, $58.83
Medical and health services manager, $56.06
Marketing manager, $72.95
Construction manager, $51.26
Sales manager, $58.50
Administrative services and facilities manager, $49.31
Lodging manager, $39.07
Property, real estate and community association manager, $37.21
General and operations manager, $56.93
Business operations specialists, $35.18
Food services manager3, $34.51
First-line supervisor of office and administrative support workers3, $31.56
First-line supervisor of construction trades and extraction workers3, $45.94

1Manager positions typically also require work experience in a related occupation.
2Average wages for Whatcom county; entry-level and local wages will vary. Source: WA State Employment Security Department, October 2022.
3Bachelor degree typically not required, but may be preferred.