Chemistry Program Outcomes

After you complete an Associate in Science - Transfer (AS-T) transfer degree, you should be able to...

  • Communicate: be able to share information in various mediums and contexts (e.g., printed text, videos, artwork, interpersonally, graphically, public speaking).
  • Be information-literate: be able to discover information, identify how it is produced and valued, and use it ethically when creating new knowledge.
  • Reason quantitatively: be able to use data and the mathematical analysis of data to make connections and draw conclusions.
  • Practice social justice: be able to reflect on your intersecting identities and roles in society, identify patterns of individual and institutional injustice and their historical roots, and explain strategies for change.
  • Think: be able to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives, and solve problems creatively and critically.