Substance Use Disorder Professional Employment Outlook

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Local employers have identified a significant shortage in substance use disorder professionals, as well as a significant lack in cross-training between mental health and chemical dependency.

In Whatcom County, the average wage for substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors is $26.53/hour. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2021)

Regarding the national outlook, WOIS ( notes:

Demand is expected to be strong for addictions counselors. New health care laws require that insurance providers cover more mental health services. Demand for addictions counselors will also increase as more people seek help.

Several states have passed laws that require counseling instead of jail for people caught with drugs. This shift requires more addictions counselors in those states.


Requirements to become a substance use disorder professional in Washington state include:

  • Completion of an associate degree in human services or related field from an approved school or successful completion of 90 quarter or 60 semester college credits in courses from an approved school. At least 45 quarter or 30 semester credits must be in courses relating to substance use disorder profession and must include the topics specific to alcohol and drug addicted individuals, as listed in the WAC 246-811-030
  • Supervision hours of substance use disorder counseling:
    • 2,500 hours for applicants with an associate degree
    • 2,000 hours for applicants with a human services-related baccalaureate degree
    • 1,500 hours for applicants with a human services-related masters or doctoral degree
    • 1,000 hours for people who are licensed in one of the approved professions for the alternative track in WAC 246-811-076
  • Passing of the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) or higher (or accepted alternative).
  • Response to personal data questions.

See the Washington State Department of Health substance use disorder professional certification requirements for more details.

Career advancement

Substance use disorder professionals who have graduated from a two-year program such as the program at Whatcom and would like to continue their education are eligible to apply to Whatcom’s bachelor of applied science (BAS) in social work program.

Graduates of the BAS in social work program are poised to help meet local demand for positions such as counselors; child, family, and school social workers; community and social service specialists; social and community service managers; social and human services assistants; and mental health and substance abuse social workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupation Outlook projects job growth for social workers will grow by 12% between 2020 and 2030, a rate faster than the average for all occupations.