Detailed Math Course Information

Mathematics courses at Whatcom Community College have two different labels: "Math" and "Math&".  In the course schedule search, these are listed as the subjects "Mathematics" and "Mathematics (CCN)".  The courses below are listed in numerical order, but be sure to note if a course is a "Math" class or a "Math&" class when you want to register.

All of our mathematics courses are 5 credits, with the exception of Math 207, which is 1 credit.

The "course content" listed for each class is a minimum list of topics that will be a part of the course. Additional topics may be included.

Math 94 - Basic Mathematics
Math 97 - Elementary Algebra I
Math 98 - Elementary Algebra II
Math 99 - Intermediate Algebra
Math& 107 - Math in Society
Math& 141 - Precalculus I
Math& 142 - Precalculus II
Math 145 - Algebra Applications for Economics & Business
Math& 146 - Introduction to Statistics
Math& 148 - Business Calculus
Math& 151 - Calculus I
Math& 152 - Calculus II
Math& 163 - Calculus III
Math 204 - Linear Algebra
Math 207 - Taylor Series (1 credit)
Math 238 - Differential Equations
Math 246 - Statistics for Engineering
Math& 264 - Calculus IV