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Details About Our Instructors

Gauthier, Judith

  • Departments:Community%20%26%20Continuing%20Education%20Instructor

Judith has been in the world of jewelry fabrication for over 40 years. She has had her own jewelry making business as well as worked for companies including Jody Coyote of Eugene, OR Currently Judith teaches jewelry fabrication at the Jansen Art Center in Lynden, WA where she designed and set up their jewelry studio back in 2014.

With a strong background in working for jewelry companies, Judith decided she wanted to strengthen her skills and pursue a teaching degree in art, specializing in the area of metal fabrication. She entered the University of Montana, Missoula and especially loved the art department, which then had a very wonderful jewelry studio. Judith founded a small jewelry school called Pouncing Rain in downtown Bellingham. She is very proud that it still continues as a non profit company now named Bellingham Metal Arts Guild.

As a very grateful, happy Grandmother of two adorable children, Judith tries to travel to California to be with them as often as she can. She loves to hear live music in her leisure time and is fortunate to have many musician friends. If she can get out and dance, she is there!

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