How to start an ASWCC Club

This is your opportunity to gather students together and involve them in activities that enhance not only the student club but student life at Whatcom Community College. Please do not hesitate to ask questions, find support and get involved with Student Life and Development at WCC. We are here to support all clubs and help students connect and build community.

This application includes the ASWCC Club Communication Agreement, application for chartering, a sample constitution, form guidelines for ASWCC club advisor, and advisor agreement; please read the directions carefully as an incomplete application may delay the chartering process. Please print or type clearly and legibly. You can use the checklist at the back of the packet to organize your information.

Club Chartering Packets are available at the office of Student Life and Development, Syre 208.

Please note: Club advisor & officer training must happen for charter to be complete.

ASWCC Club Communication Agreement

It is essential that clubs maintain consistent communication with the ASWCC Club Team. This will allow our office to keep WCC campus informed. Failure to maintain active communication will result in the club going into inactive status.

Application for Chartering an ASWCC Club

All chartering applications must be completed by the 7th week of Fall, Winter, or Spring quarter to receive funding for the current quarter. All clubs will cease to exist on the final day of Spring Quarter and must resubmit an application the following Fall Quarter for re-chartering consideration.

A request to begin an ASWCC student club is hereby submitted by the following currently enrolled WCC students. A minimum of five (5) WCC students is required to initiate the club approval process and a minimum of two officers must attend Club Officer training, hosted by the Office of Student Life and Development prior to application approval. Please attach a copy of 5 initiating member current class schedules and indicate which members or officers will attend Club Officer training.

Section 1: Name
The club name will be used in all cases of identifying the club. All club names are prefaced with “ASWCC.”

Section 2: Purpose
According to the Associated Students of Whatcom Community College Bylaws, “Students shall be free to organize and join associations to promote their common interests, provided such groups are not in conflict with the educational goals of the college.” Define the purpose of your club so we can help you gather support and membership around similar interests.

Section 3: Membership
ASWCC chartered clubs shall be open to all WCC students on a non-discriminatory basis. Non-WCC students may attend club meetings, however, a club must be chartered by five students currently attending Whatcom Community College. All five students must provide a copy of current class schedule with the Club Chartering packet. Additionally, non-WCC students may not hold officer nor advisor positions.

Section 4: Officers
Please provide all members’ phone numbers, emails, and signatures. Specify the duties of each officer, the length of term, and provisions for removing officers.

Section 5: Bylaws
Please provide a copy of the bylaws for your club as it will be used to make club decisions (See sample constitution form for guidance).

Section 6: Financial Procedures
This section will provide information as to how your club will collect money, such as joining or membership fees. Please state the amount and due date if applicable. Please also outline how your club will approve expenses.

Section 7: Outline of Activities
Please give an outline and brief description of your plan for club meetings and events. Specify dates, times, and locations as thoroughly as possible. If this plan changes, you can let us know.

ASWCC Club Chartering Packet

2022-23 ASWCC Club Chartering Packet