
We are available in Zoom by appointment.  To meet with us in Zoom, call 360.383.3094 or email us.  Here's our Zoom link: https://whatcom-edu.zoom.us/j/7097236154


We read and respond to email during our open hours.

To get assistance with your writing by email, write us at writingcenter@whatcom.edu.

In the email, tell us what you need from us and what kind of interaction will work best.  Our usual system is to make an unlisted (private) video response for you, but we are flexible and have been using other options, like Zoom if you'd like to try to meet live.

In the email, attach your paper (Word or Google doc work best), and please tell us about:

  • The class you're writing for, or the college or job application
  • The writing project itself
  • What you think of your work so far: the process and how it's going
  • What you'd like from us as your readers
  • How you'd like to interact with us

You should receive an email response from us within 48 hours that provides a note from us and a link to a screencast that provides our audio over a video of your paper. If we don't respond to you in two days, please email us again.

Please let us know if you will not be able to access a video or want to try for some other kind of interaction.