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Details About Our Instructors

Canyon, Nancy Lou

Nancy Canyon bio photo
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Nancy Canyon loves to encourage people to begin a personal creative adventure. She has been teaching writing practice since 1998, and has been teaching art since the 90's, when she worked as an illustration instructor at NW College of Art. She is an idea person and loves to inspire her students to try new things. She has been teaching at Whatcom Community College, Community & Continuing Education, since 2008. She works as a writing coach for The Narrative Project.

Nancy Canyon holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Pacific Lutheran University. She also earned a fiction certificate from University of Washington in 1999. She keeps an art/writing studio in Historic Fairhaven where she works and holds classes. Her novel, Celia's Heaven, is currently launching at Village Books. She also has a book of poetry, Saltwater, and an eBook of fiction short-shorts. She is working on a memoir: Struck

Nancy loves to garden and together with her husband they raise tomatoes, potatoes, kale, lettuce, peas, beets, and onions. They also love to hike and paddleboard when the weather is good. They have three children and two grandsons. They also have two pets: a dog Olive and a cat Sid. Both are nearing their 14th birthdays.

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