Attending college through Running Start can save students thousands of dollars on earning a college degree, but it is not entirely free.

If you are looking for information on HOW to pay your bill click here.

What Does Running Start Cost?

Student Pays:

Fees can be waived for students living on a low income.

Some students may qualify to borrow books for free.

Running Start Pays:

What’s the Difference Between “Fees” and “Tuition?”

Fees are payments that support the operations of services and resources on campus. Fees are proposed by WCC students and approved by the WCC student government. You, the student, must pay fees, or seek a fee waiver.

Tuition is the price charged for taking classes at a college. Tuition rates are determined by the state of Washington. Running Start will pay your tuition, unless you choose to take credits that are outside of the state’s limits on Running Start.

State Limits on Running Start

Running Start covers tuition for up to 21 college level credits each quarter based on your eligibility.

Running Start only covers college level credits (classes numbered 100 or above.)

Detailed Breakdown of Running Start Costs

Quarterly Fees
Additional Fees for Specific Classes

Possible Ways to Lower Your Running Start Costs

Residency Form
Fee Waiver
Book Loan